Cancer & Teen Hormones & The Future, Oh My!

 In Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s talk about life after cancer. The big L-A-C.

During treatment, life is all about survival, but it’s still smart to think about what comes next. Think about it, you had a life before, so let’s be on that best case scenario tip and ponder life after.

What do you want? Where do you want to be? Another questions, this one via our friends at Sky News, do you want to be fertile? Teen cancer happens to come right during or after puberty when your hormones are already doing somersaults. Unfortunately cancer can often quiet them for good.

Fertility specialist Valerie Peddie recently spoke at the Royal College Nursing’s International Centenary Conference about the lack of options teens are given about their future fertility.

“Teenage patients are unlikely to have even considered their future fertility or know it could be impacted by their cancer treatment, therefore it is essential that these issues are raised and discussed by health care staff,” she says.

What does this mean? It means to talk to your parents, doctors, and nurses and explore your options. It means do your homework and understand your body. You can be empowered in this.

Here’s the full report->

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